Iglesia La Ermita Del Carmen

 ¿Qué ver en Iglesia la ermita del carmen, Vargas?

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The Church of La Ermita Del Carmen is located in Vargas, Venezuela. Unfortunately, I was not able to find an official website for the church. However, the church's opening hours are from 8:00am to 6:00pm. There is no entrance fee to visit the church.

In the surrounding area, you can visit the beautiful beaches of Vargas, such as Playa Caribe and Playa Los Corales. These beaches are open from sunrise to sunset. Additionally, you can visit the Macuto Castle, which is open from 9:00am to 4:00pm from Tuesday to Sunday. The castle has a small entrance fee.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Iglesia la ermita del carmen)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Iglesia la ermita del carmen)